ROBERT SCOBLE DOESN’T READ [Was –Pocket Wars? Please…]

My point was NOT about pocket wars, as Scoble seems to think it is. My point is: Where the (&^*%&$%$*^(*&&^ do people get the money to pay for all of this crap that dominates their lives? How does Scoble pay for it?
This post seems to further substantiate my view that most residents of the US cannot read between the lines, are ideologically cast in stone, and lack a sense of sarcasm.
White headphones do not pay the bills, feed the hungry, educate the poor, and help bring a better standard of living to people. If Scoble thinks that white headphones are the cure, he is about to get dropped from my read list.
This post is closed.

The more I read posts like this from Scoble, the more I realize that a lot of the Bloggers that I read live in a completely different universe from the rest of us in the real world?
I am sorry, but the more I read, despite Robert’s unflagging entusiasm for Microsoft, Tablets, and other things, the more I realize that he leads an extremely privileged life that bears no resemblance to a reality that I know.
I know…a bitter old man on a rant. Sorry.

Scoble comments below. He missed the point.

  1. SiliValley and Seattle are not the norm. Please come to Massachusetts.
  2. My point was: How can people with kids, mortgages, schools, and real lives keep up with portable media, hot new tech and trends?

I would love to be hot and trendy with cool tech and lots of places to go. Guess I have other “reality-based” needs to deal with.

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Hmm. Well, come and visit Silicon Valley or Tokyo sometime and you’ll see what I mean.
    Look at all the SuperBowl ads. There were at least three ads for pocket devices. And the game isn’t over yet.

  2. You missed my point. It’s not Mass that sets trends, or spends money, on tech.
    If you wanna watch what’s happening in tech you gotta be in Silicon Valley, or Tokyo.
    And, don’t miss all those white headphones walking around downtown Boston.

  3. Look at all the SuperBowl ads. There were at least three ads for pocket devices. And the game isn’t over yet.

  4. If you wanna watch what’s happening in tech you gotta be in Silicon Valley, or Tokyo.And, don’t miss all those white headphones walking around downtown Boston.

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