Month: July 2005

How hard is air-conditioning?

Ok, my grasp of building management is pretty slim. But the question I have is: How hard is it to keep the air-conditioning on mid-sized, three-floor, commercial office building functioning?
Since we moved into the new digs, the a/c has worked properly in our space about 6 hours. Now, for you folks who don;t live in the Northeast US, you may not appreciate why this is important. Let’s just say that Amazon tribes complain about the humidity in this part of the world.
Air-conditioning is crucial up here. I am currently sitting at my desk with my shoes and socks removed. And I have this feeling that I will be removing myself from the office shortly.
Ugh…this sucks.

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Karl: Aren’t you glad you have the fanatics on your side?

John Gibson has decided that treason is ok! [here]

Why? Because Valerie Plame … should have been outed by somebody. And if nobody else had the cojones to do it, I’m glad Rove did — if he did do it, and he still says he didn’t.

Hey John, I am no right-wing whacko (as a Canadian, you probably consider me an enemy alien), but which medal do you want to give him? The Fox “News” Meritorious Leaker Star?
Everyone has been predicting that when the right-wing finally swung into action, they would try to divert attention from the real issue: who in the White House leaked the name of, or information that clearly pointed to, the identity of a covert CIA operative?
Via Daily Bubble

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Karl: Did W ask if you stole from the cookie jar?

Hey Karl, can you spin this?

If you are the CEO and your underling might have committed a serious crime… would you ask them? Either Rove told Bush the truth and Bush doesn’t care, Rove lied to the President and the President can forgive him, or the President doesn’t care and hasn’t asked. None of those reveal good qualities in our Commander in Chief. This is going to burn him one way or another in the end.

Love it!
Via Daily Bubble

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