Month: July 2005

Dear Technorati…

You have noted that you are experiencing some performance issues related to high load (here). So I investigated and found that all the servers at the hostname are responding with HTTP/1.0 headers and are explicitly closing the connections to the clients.
This will not relieve the performance problems. In fact, doing this may make the situation worse. The only way that this will not cause an issue is if you have tuned the kernel on these servers to go through an EXTREMELY fast TCP teardown process on the server side.
If you haven’t done this, go run a netstat -vanp on your www servers. See all the fin_wait, fin_wait2, closing and time_wait states? These are sockets that can’t be used again until the kernel releases them.
Now, Turning on keep-alives or persistent connections on the www servers will:

  1. Reduce the total number of connections per client
  2. Reduce the number of sockets “hung” in the teardown process
  3. Improve performance by reducing the network overhead required by the client and the server

The only caveat is to reduce the keep-alive timeout to something like 4-5 seconds so that these connections don’t wait for traffic forever.
Improving performance through disabling persistent connections is a myth. HTTP/1.1 was adopted for a reason. Use it wisely and your will reap the rewards.

Technorati: , , , ,

My Reaction: London Bombings

I am not sure what the overall American reaction to today’s bombing in London is. I hope it’s not the usual American response: didn’t happen here, so it’s not important.
I hope that I am wrong.
I am extremely upset. I am feel a connection to all of humanity, and to see the wanton destruction of human life for reasons of hate makes me ill.
Do I want to be a part of this species?

London Explosions: Web performance impact

Most of the time, I leave the morbid Web performance post-mortems to my former employer. However, I had to note that the flash traffic resulting from the explosions in London has effectively crushed the Web sites of the BBC (main site, not the news site), Sky News, and ITN.

This information is purely anecdotal; I am having incredible difficulty getting to any of these sites from here in the US.

On a side note, Technorati is either responding very slowly, or not at all. Not sure if this related to the events in London, or some other event.

This is shocking. Listening to Tony Blair, you could hear the anger in his voice.

UPDATE: Flickr Pool

UPDATE: Steve Rubel tells us that he is experiencing similar performance degradadtion. He also points to Jeff Jarvis linking to bloggers on the bombing.

Traffic Shaping with tc

I have discovered a little secret of Linux today: tc. The Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control project (here) allows you to shape traffic in any way that you want. In most cases, it is used in a situation where a multi-homed Linux box is used as firewall/router.
I have activated it on my Web server, limiting uplink/downlink speeds to 256kbps. I am using this in combination with the rate-limiting feature in iptables to control the morons. Limiting bandwidth to 256kbps leaves me with enough overhead to get in and control the machine, even when the morons think that they are flooding me with traffic.
I really suggest that you look into this, especially if you are in a bandwidth-limited environment.

Technorati: , , , ,

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