Month: April 2006

Hardware sucks…at least for me.

I remember now why I got out of the hardware support business.

I am converting Samantha’s old desktop into a computer for the boys. It took me nearly two hours to get it to boot properly. Then it hung trying to install Windows XP. So back to Windows 2000 Pro.

That appears to be working. Once I get Win2KPro installed, I will try to update it to WinXP.

I hate desktop support.

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Fight The Bull: My god it smells in here!

Usually I classify this sort of mail as complete nonsense, and delet it. But this one was such a classic, I had to post it.

The letter is from the new CEO of the joint Borland/Segue. He is announcing that he thinks that Segue and Borland customers will be able to find cool ways to use the products of this new company…at least, after I translate it, it seems like that is what he is TRYING to say.

This is a great move for both of our organizations as we come together to tackle what we all know to be a key development challenge and the biggest opportunity for our industry – software quality. Borland and Segue have long shared a common belief that the challenge of software quality reaches far beyond testing and QA. Together we will approach this issue holistically, providing value at each stage of the software delivery lifecycle.

Our focus now is on the development of a comprehensive Lifecycle Quality Management solution – bringing together our unparalleled process improvement expertise with proper skills training and a true end-to-end quality technology offering. Our goal is alignment of people, process and technology, proactively driving higher standards of software quality while systematically reducing costs associated with rework and maintenance.

While continuing to enhance Segue’s quality and application performance technologies, we will also focus on delivering even tighter linkage with Borland’s broad portfolio of Application Lifecycle Management technologies. As part of a complete solution, these technologies will address quality across the entire lifecycle, eliminating quality issues at the root cause.

Chaucer and Shakespeare just rose from the dead, and they are looking for the marketing people who wrote this.

The Pierzchala Boys Take Europe

Looks like my brother Dave and I will be in different places in Europe at the same time. He is going to be in Warsaw (Ah! the ancestral homeland of our Family Name!) and I will be in London and Hamburg.

For those of you who track these things:

London – May 13 – 17 (evening)
Hamburg – May 17 (evening) – May 19 (evening)

For readers in those cities, leave a comment if you want to ply me with the local fermentation or distillation products!

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The Jimi Wallet

I read about the Jimi Wallet on 43 Folders today.

I immediately ordered 2: one for me and one for Samantha.

We have both pared ourselves down to the bare essentials already, and this is one more step in that direction. I can see it being especially useful when you are travelling, when all you really need is:

  1. Bank Card
  2. Drivers License
  3. Credit Card 1
  4. Credit Card 2
  5. Medical insurance card.

Now I will likely take the money clip out most of the time to hold my office key card, but put it back in for travelling.

A damn fine idea. Means I can stop carrying this 5 year-old Dell business card holder I have convereted into my Wallet.

The only question: does it hold UK Pounds?

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Soundtrack: AC/DC!

Ok, I look like a refined suburban husband and father. But I grew up in a small town in the British Columbia interior.

Now, for those of you who grew up in small British Columbia towns in the 1980s, you know that the hair was Mullet-extreme, the car was a black Firebird “ThunderChicken”, and the music was a mixture of pop-metal, led by those Australian bad boys, AC/DC.

I grew in musical tastes and listen to so much now that to say I have a single musical taste is insane.

But I still have a weakness for AC/DC, as it was the subconscious soundtrack to my teenage years. So right now I have Back in Black, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, and High Voltage blasting through the living room. This is the one advantage to being home alone this week.

I think the dog has gone into hiding…

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Long weekend

It’s been a long weekend. But not in the three-day or holiday way.

Samantha and the boys have been in Victoria since Thursday. And Wiggles and I have been having a very relaxing time. I have finally recovered from a long cold.

I know remember why I don’t live alone anymore. It seems like a great idea, but it is also a very lonely time.

Makes me appreciate the madness that my children bring to the house.

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They made it.

Samantha and the boys reached Victoria safely…

…and Kinnear promptly threw himself in the fish pond.

Yes, I am living la vida lonely this week, but neither the boys nor Samantha haven’t seen Victoria in a very long time.

Just me and the dog.

Second-Hand Treo 600

It turns out that my boss had an old Treo 600 lying around the house he wasn’t using. And it turns out that it was a T-Mobile Treo 600, not the Verizon crud that the company provides. And since the company upgraded him to a Verizon Treo 700 (which doesn’t work in Europe, much to their chagrin), he was gracious enough to allow me to use this device.

I say gracious. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I will restrain my comments on it’s appearance to this: I have seen objects that have been dragged down the freeway behind a car that have fewer nicks, dings and blemishes than this Treo 600.

But it works. Well.

I now understand how powerful the PDA|Phone combo can be, and why it’s so addictive.

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