Alan at MREater hit the jackpot when he gave a supply sergeant a lift.
As a bonus he got a Fisher Space Pen. And of course…
It’s the perfect companion to the “Rite in the Rain†All-Weather Field Book the soldier also gave to me. Nothing like a friendly supply sergeant. The Field Book has paper “created to shed water and enhance the written image.†Hot damn. That book is a good piece of gear, the kind of thing you wonder how you ever lived without.
Based on his description, he got a tan Tactical Field Book.
I need to find a supply seargeant to give a lift to!
Technorati Tags: Fisher+Space+Pen, RiteintheRain, Rite+in+the+Rain, Fisher+bullet+pen, Supply+Sergeant
2007-04-24 — 04:07
Wonderful to read that folks appreciate our products! We keep adding more Rite in the Rain goodies each month. Made in the wet Pacific Northwest. Check out a cool YouTube that someone recently did at
2007-04-24 — 04:07
Wonderful to read that folks appreciate our products! We keep adding more Rite in the Rain goodies each month. Made in the wet Pacific Northwest. Check out a cool YouTube that someone recently did at