Of course data security is (NOT) important in the US

James Governor of RedMonk covers the serious fine Nationwide just got in the UK. [HERE and original post HERE]

This post immediately left me with the feeling (and it’s an oogie feeling) that the country in which I reside is completely borked when it comes to data security.

Private companies would get slammed by leaking private information in every country, except the US.

And if a financial institution compromised or lost personal information, they would face real fines, except in the US.

These must be gross generalizations. So prove me wrong.

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. actually its funny – i envy some US laws, notably around notification. any company that wants to trade in California needs to be careful about customer data, because they have to let people know. a lot of this leakage goes on – often because of what i call information bulimia- they hoover up so much info its bound to puke out sometime.

  2. actually its funny – i envy some US laws, notably around notification. any company that wants to trade in California needs to be careful about customer data, because they have to let people know. a lot of this leakage goes on – often because of what i call information bulimia- they hoover up so much info its bound to puke out sometime.

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