Category: Work

On Being a Catalyst

Lisa Haneberg has a great post today on being a catalyst within your organization.

This struck home with me because I feel that the word catalyst describes a lot of what I do. I like to try and draw as many threads together as I can, and then help move a project along by helping the truly talented people see how something can be improved, extended or created.

To many classically-trained managers, I appear to be someone who seems to do or produce very little. But what I am paid to do is absorb and process as much information as I can, synthesize new ideas from this input, and then help provide the spark to start, or be the catalyst to accelerate, projects both internally and externally.

I like this job. It suits my nature very well. And I am glad that Lisa has given me a word to describe it.

Seth Godin Quote Week Continues

Seth, who I am quoting way too often this week, has three great posts on finding a job. [here and here and here]

I am one of these people. I have a degree in History. I work in high-tech. I can write code when I want to. I can limp around linux, Windows and pretty much and Unix-like environment. I know a fair amount about HTTP, TCP, SSL, Apache, databases, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, QA, Customer Service, Marketing, Sales and a few other things I can’t remember now.

Macs don’t scare me.

So, what does the work world do with a polymath generalist? Employers hate people like me, because we don’t fit a mold, a niche. I hate structured job roles. I want to achieve excellence, not mediocrity.

I got my last job by sending an e-mail to all of the executives at the company and saying ‘Look, you need me. You will not get better without me. Hire me now.’ Two months later I was leaving the Bay Area for Massachusetts, much to the chagrin of my former employer, to join a company that created a position for me.

I want to work for companies that do that. Companies that build themselves around key people, amazing talent, a desire for excellence.

The growth trend of more small companies appeals to me. Hey, even a company of one can be huge.

Thanks for the great read.

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