Welcome Vincent DeCugis

Vincent introduced himself this week in response to my post on sending in an abstract to the OSCON 2005 organizers.
A former director at W3Ping, he has moved on to other enterprises and now has started blogging at design4speed. Hopefully he continues to add content on Web performance.

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. A new friend for design4speedAfter a few email exchange, Stephen found that we share a common interested about web performance.
    I take this opportunity to say that we mean both by this how to make fast web site, not how to rank them high in Google with a new revolutionary techni

  2. A new friend for design4speedAfter a few email exchange, Stephen found that we share a common interested about web performance. I take this opportunity to say that we mean both by this how to make fast web site, not how to rank them high in Google with a new revolutionary techni

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