Stupid attacking domain —

Looks like some bozo has managed to take over a large number of machines and launch some sort of zombie attack against blogs. If you see filling up your referrer log, block the hosts. They are likely zombies.

Just checked the domain (IP address — it originates in South Korea. Definitely points to either a script-kiddie or a zombie on a high-speed connection.

Categories: Blogging, security


  1. thanks for that, saved me having to dig into it… and there i was thinking i was getting popular

  2. thanks for that, saved me having to dig into it… and there i was thinking i was getting popular

  3. haha, I was thinkin the same thing, like holy hell.. this is alright, but yeah looked into it… damn

  4. haha, I was thinkin the same thing, like holy hell.. this is alright, but yeah looked into it… damn

  5. Thanks for the info. I couldn’t figure out who or what this site was that was accounting for 40% of my hits.
    I still don’t quite understand, but I went ahead and blocked the IP.

  6. I still don’t quite understand, but I went ahead and blocked the IP.

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