Fred Wilson on Burn Out and My Thoughts on Blogging styles

Lawrence Lessig and Joi Ito. Now Fred Wilson says that he is burning out, re-thinking his online musings. [here]
I guess that my personality won’t see me slow down for another few months. But I have also chosen a very different style of blogging. I am an aggregator and re-interpreter.
I don’t generate a lot of my own inspiring ideas, but I try to synthesize all the information that streams into my head daily, pulling the random threads together.
What are the Blogging styles?

  • Thought Leader / Visionary
  • Disruptor
  • Aggregator / Synthesizer
  • Advocate / Evangelist

The ones that suffer the most likelihood of burn out are the first and the last; they are the ones that give their all.
Fred, you fall into this class. Step back, take a break. You’ll still be on my feed list when you come back.

Categories: Uncategorized


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