Karl: The Boys at Leavenworth are going to like you!

I hear you’ve done a lot of good work for the Bush Cabal over the last eight years. I mean, you turned John McCain’s name to mud, you got the weasel…errr, President re-elected, you’ve controlled the media more effectively than Ron Ziegler.
However, when the White House decided to turn on Joseph Wilson, you volunteered to take point. Sure, you didn’t name Valerie Plame by name, but saying that the wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson was a CIA analyst kind of made any reporter’s job a little easier.
Now, from what I have read, this is a Federal Offence. Not the kind that Martha Stewart went to Club Fed for, but one that gets your butt sent to a nice Maximum Security Prison for say…oh, 10 years.
Now, after 4.5 years of shrill, emotional baiting, negative economic growth, two wars that are descending below the surface of quagmire, and a nation reeling into the 21st Century as the only Western Theocracy, it might be time to re-evaluate how History (with a capital ‘H’) will remember you and the rest of the Cabal.
Frankly, Karl, I revel in the prospect that you did this. And I hope that you roll over and say that Cheney asked you to do it.
And you know what?
You just got John McCain elected president in 2008.
Bet the irony is just killing you right now.

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