Web Performance: David Cancel Discusses Lookery Performance Strategies

David Cancel and I have had sort of a passing vague, same space and thought process, living in the same Metropolitan area kind of distant acquaintance for about the same year.
About 2-3 months ago, he wrote a pair of articles discussing the efforts he has undertaken in order to try and offload some of the traffic to the servers for his new company, Lookery. While they are not current, in the sense that time moves in one direction for most technical people, and is compressed into the events of the past eight hours and the next 30 minutes, these articles provide an insight that should not be missed.
These two articles show how easily a growing company that is trying to improve performance and customer experience can achieve measureable results on a budget that consists of can recycling money and green stamps.

Measuring your CDN

A service that relies on the request and downloading of a single file from a single location very quickly realizes the limitations that this model imposes as traffic begins to broaden and increase. Geographically diverse users begin to notice performance delays as they attempt to reach a single, geographically-specific server. And the hosting location, even one as large as Amazon S3, can begin to serve as the bottleneck to success.
David’s first article examines the solution path that Lookery chose, which was moving the tag, which drives the entire opportunity for success in their business model, onto a CDN. With a somewhat enigmatic title (Using Amazon S3 as a CDN?), he describes how the Lookery team measured the distributed performance of their JS tag using a free measurement service (not GrabPERF) and compared various CDNs against the origin configuration that is based on the Amazon S3 environment.
This deceptively simple test, which is perfect for the type of system that Lookery uses, provided that team with the data they needed to realize that they had made a good choice in choosing a CDN and that their chosen CDN was able to deliver improved response times when compared to their origin servers.

Check your Cacheability

Cacheability is a nasty word that my spell-checker hates. To define it simply, it refers to the ability of end-user browsers and network-level caching proxies to store and re-use downloaded content based on clear and explicit caching rules delivered in the server response header.
The second Article in David’s series describes how, using Mark Nottingham’s Cacheability Engine, the Lookery team was able to examine the way that the CDNs and the Origin site informed the visitor browser of the cacheability of the JS file that they were downloading.
Cacheability doesn’t seem that important until you remember that most small firms are very conscious of the Bandwidth outlay. These small startups arevery aware when their bandwidth usage reaches 250GB/month level (Lookery’s bandwidth usage at the time the posts were written). Any method that can improve end-user performance while stilll delivering the service they expect is a welcome addition, especially when it is low-cost to free.
In the post, David notes that there appears to be no way in their chosen CDN to modify the Cacheability settings, an issue which appears to have been remedied since the article went up [See current server response headers for the Lookery tag here].


Startups spend a lot of time imagining what success looks like. And when it comes, sometimes they aren’t ready for it, especially when it comes to the ability to handle increasing loads with their often centralized, single-location architectures.
David Cancel, in these two articles, shows how a little early planning, some clear goals, and targeted performance measurement can provide an organization with the information to get them through their initial growth spurt in style.

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. I just wanted to point out that David has done a fantastic job keeping up. Lookery, our company, has grown by leaps and bounds since we started last July 2007. It's been mind boggling at the amount of traffic we do daily and monthly. We both probably dreamed of this kind of success, and he has experienced it first hand at Compete.com, but for me at least – I'm glad that he is our CTO and running things. This kind of growth as you said above can crush a small company. Rex DixonCo-Founder & Publisher Relations, Lookery

  2. Rex – Thanks for the feedback.Having been in the Web perfomance industry for nearly a decade, I have seen companies large and small encounter Web performance issues that they did not plan for, did not understand, and could not cope with. A simple, integrated approach to Web performance which is woven into the entire cloth of a Web startup from day one makes it easier to handle growth beyond your dreams.

  3. Stephen,Love the article, obviously! Thank you. You're a great performance guru AND a good writer, bonus.Would love to catch-up in-person sometime soon. Lunch?Cheers,David

  4. David:Sounds great – blast me an e-mail.smp

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