This is a very heavily used Moleskine. iBjorn writes:
This is on display in my school’s library. It is a codex and satchel from Ethiopia, and is probably a couple hundred years old. Codices were first used in the 2nd cent and replaced scrolls.
This is a very heavily used Moleskine. iBjorn writes:
This is on display in my school’s library. It is a codex and satchel from Ethiopia, and is probably a couple hundred years old. Codices were first used in the 2nd cent and replaced scrolls.
Kevin Briody over at SeattleDuck talks about how he decided to purchase a Moleskine notebook. [here]
I too have drunk the kool-aid, and mine are coming from my favourite online paper retailer, Vickery. This is where I got my Rhodia graph pads.
Looks like I will carry a Moleskine and a Rhodia with me wherever I go.
Now, does anyone have a recommendation on an inexpensive, yet techno-cool, tough and functional, pen?
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