Tag: Effective Web Performance

The Dichotomy of the Web: Andy King's Website Optimization

Andy King's Website Optimization, O'Reilly 2008The Web is a many-splendored thing, with a very split personality. One side is drive to find ways to make the most money possible, while the other is driven to implement cool technology in an effective and efficient manner (most of the time).

Andy King, in Website Optimization (O’Reilly), tries to address these two competing forces in a way that both can understand. This is important because, as we all know from our own lives, most of the time these two competing parts of the same whole are right; they just don’t understand the other side.

I have seen this trend repeated throughout my nine years in the Web performance industry, five years as a consultant. Companies torn asunder, viewing the Business v. Technology interaction as a Cold War, one that occasionally flares up in odd places which serve as proxies between the two.

Website Optimization appears at first glance to be torn asunder by this conflict. With half devoted to optimizing the site for business and the other to performance and design optimization, there will be a cry from the competing factions that half of this book is a useless waste of time.

These are the organizations and individuals who will always be fighting to succeed in this industry. These are the people and companies who don’t understand that success in both areas is critical to succeeding in a highly competitive Web world.
The first half of the book is dedicated to the optimization of a Web site, any Web site, to serve a well-defined business purpose. Discussing terms such as SEO, PPC, and CRO can curdle the blood of any hardcore techie, but they are what drive the design and business purpose of a Web site. Without a way to get people to a site, and use the information on the site to do business or complete the tasks that they need to, there is no need to have a technological infrastructure to support it.

Conversely, a business with lofty goals and a strategy that will change the marketplace will not get a chance to succeed if the site is slow, the pages are large, and design makes cat barf look good. Concepts such HTTP compression, file concatenation, caching, and JS/CSS placement drive this side of the personality, as well as a number of application and networking considerations that are just too far down the rat hole to even consider in a book with as broad a scope as this one.

Although on the surface, the concepts discussed in this book will see many people put it down as it isn’t business or techie enough, those who do buy the book will show that they have a grasp of the wider perspective, the one that drives all successful sites to stand tall in a sea of similarity.

See the Website Optimization book companion site for more information, chapter summaries and two sample chapters.

Web Performance: Optimizing Page Load Time

Aaron Hopkins posted an article detailing all of the Web performance goodness that I have been advocating for a number of years.

To summarize:

  • Use server-side compression
  • Set your static objects to be cacheable in browser and proxy caches
  • Use keep-alives / persistent connections
  • Turn your browsers’ HTTP pipelining feature on

These ideas are not new, and neither are the finding in his study. As someone who has worked in the Web performance field for nearly a decade, these are old-hat. However, it’s always nice to have someone new inject some life back into the discussion.

Web Performance, Part VII: Reliability and Consistency

In this series, the focus has been on the basic Web performance concepts, the ones that have dominated the performance management field for the last decade. It’s now time to step beyond these measures, and examine two equally important concepts, ones that allow a company to analyze their Web performance outside the constraints of performance and availability.

Reliability is often confused with availability when it is used in a Web performance context. Reliability, as a measurement and analysis concept goes far beyond the binary 0 or 1 that the term availability limits us to, and places it in the context of how availability affects the whole business.
Typical measures used in reliability include:

  • Minutes of outage
  • Number of failed measurements
  • Core business hours

Reliability is, by its very nature, a more complex way to examine the successful delivery of content to customers. It forces the business side of a company to define what times of day and days of the week affect the bottom-line more, and forces the technology side of the business to be able to account not simply for server uptime, but also for exact measures of when and why customers could not reach the site.
This approach almost always leads to the creation of a whole new metric, one that is uniquely tied to the expectations and demands of the business it was developed in. It may also force organizations to focus on key components of their online business, if a trend of repeated outages appears with only a few components of the Web site.

Consistency is uniquely paired with Reliability, in that it extends the concept of performance to beyond simple aggregates, and considers what the performance experience is like for the customer on each visit. Can a customer say that the site always responds the same way, or do you hear that sometimes your site is slow and unusable? Why is the performance of your site inconsistent?

A simple way to think of consistency is the old standby of the Standard Deviation. This gives the range in which the population of the measurements is clustered around the Arithmetic Mean. This value can depend on the number of measures in the population, as well as the properties of these unique measures.

Standard Deviation has a number of flaws, but provides a simple way to define consistency: a large standard deviation value indicates a high degree of inconsistency within the measurement population, whereas a low small standard deviation value indicates a higher degree of consistency.

The metric that is produced for consistency differs from the reliability metric in that it will always be measured in seconds or milliseconds. But the same insight may arise from consistency, that certain components of the Web site contribute more to the inconsistency of a Web transaction. Isolating these elements outside the context of the entire business process gives organizations the information they need to eliminate these issues more quickly.

Companies that have found that simple performance and availability metrics constrain their ability to accurately describe the performance of their Web site need to examine ways to integrate a formula for calculating Reliability, and a measure of Consistency into their performance management regime.

Web Performance, Part VI: Benchmarking Your Site

In the last article in this series, the concept of baselining your measurements was discussed. This is vital, in order for you and your organization to be able to identify the particular performance patterns associated with your site.

Now that’s under control, you’re done, right?

Not a chance. Remember that your site is not the only Web site your customers visit. So, how are you doing against all of those other sites?

Let’s take a simple example of the performance for one week for one of the search firms. This is simply an example; I am just too lazy to change the names to protect the innocent.


Doesn’t look too bad. An easily understood pattern of slower performance during peak business hours appears in the data, presenting a predictable pattern which would serve as a great baseline for any firm. However, this baseline lacks context. If anyone tries to use a graph like this, the next question you should ask is “So what?”.

What makes a graph like this interesting but useless? That’s easy: A baseline graph is only the first step in the information process. A graph of your performance tells you how your site is doing. There is, however, no indication of whether this performance trend is good or bad.


Examining the performance of the same firm within a competitive and comparative context, the predictable baseline performance still appears predictable, but not as good as it could be. The graph shows that most of the other firms in the same vertical, performing the identical search, over the same period of time, and from the same measurement locations, do not show the same daytime pattern of performance degradation.

The context provided by benchmarking now becomes a critical factor. By putting the site side-by-side with other sites delivering the same service, an organization can now question the traditional belief that the site is doing well because we can predict how it will behave.

A simple benchmark such as the one above forces a company to ask hard questions, and should lead to reflection and re-examination of what the predictable baseline really means. A benchmark result should always lead a company to ask if their performance is good enough, and if they want to get better, what will it take.
Benchmarking relies on the idea of a business process. The old approach to benchmarks only considered firms in the narrowly defined scope of the industry verticals; another approach considers company homepages without any context or reliable comparative structure in place to compensate for the differences between pages and sites.

It is not difficult to define a benchmark that allows for the comparison of a major bank to a major retailer, and a major social networking site, and a major online mail provider. By clearly defining a business process that these sites share (in this case let’s take the user-authentication process) you can compare companies across industry verticals.

This cross-discipline comparison is crucial. Your customers do this with your site every single day. They visit your site, and tens, maybe hundreds, of other sites every week. They don’t limit their comparison to sites in the same industry vertical; they perform cross-vertical business process critiques intuitively, and then share these results with others anecdotally.

In many cases, a cross-vertical performance comparison cannot be performed, as there are too many variables and differences to perform a head-to-head speed analysis. Luckily for the Web performance field, speed is only one metric that can be used for comparison. By stretching Web site performance analysis beyond speed, comparing sites with vastly different business processes and industries can be done in a way that treats all sites equally. The decade-long focus on speed and performance has allowed other metrics to be pushed aside.

Having a fast site is good. But that’s not all there is to Web performance. If you were to compare the state of Web performance benchmarking to the car-buying public, the industry has been stuck in the role of a power-hungry, horsepower-obsessed teenage boy for too long. Just as your automobile needs and requirements evolve (ok, maybe this doesn’t apply to everyone), so do your Web performance requirements.

Web Performance, Part V: Baseline Your Data

Up to this point, the series has focused on the mundane world of calculating statistical values in order to represent your Web performance data in some meaningful way. Now we step into the more exciting (I lead a sheltered life) world of analyzing the data to make some sense from it.

When companies sign up with a Web performance company, it has been my experience that the first thing that they want to do is get in there and push all the buttons and bounce on the seats. This usually involves setting up a million different measurements, and then establishing alerting thresholds for every single one of them that is of critical importance, emailed to the pagers of the entire IT team all the time.

Well interesting, it is also a great way for people to begin to actually ignore the data because:

  1. It’s not telling them what they need to know
  2. It’s telling them stuff when they don’t need to know it.

When I speak to a company for the first time, I often ask what their key online business processes are. I usually get either stunned silence or “I don’t know” as a response. Seriously, what has been purchased is a tool, some new gadget that will supposedly make life better; but no thought has been put into how to deploy and make use of the data coming in.

I have the luxury of being able to concentrate on one set of data all the time. In most environments, the flow of data from systems, network devices, e-mail updates, patches, business data simply becomes noise to be ignored until someone starts complaining that something is wrong. Web performance data becomes another data flow to react to, not act on.

So how do you begin to corral the beast of Web performance data? Start with the simplest question: what do we NEED to measure?

If you talked to IT, Marketing and Business Management, they will likely come up with three key areas that need to be measured:

  1. Search
  2. Authentication
  3. Shopping Cart

Technology folks say, but that doesn’t cover the true complexity of our relational, P2P, AJAX-powered, social media, tagging Web 2.0 site.

Who cares! The three items listed above pay the bills and keep the lights on. If one of these isn’t working, you fix it now, or you go home.

Now, we have three primary targets. We’re set to start setting up alerts, and stuff, right?

Nope. You don’t have enough information yet.


This is your measurement after the first day. This gives you enough information to do all those bright and shiny things that you’ve heard your new Web performance tool can do, doesn’t it?


Here’s the same measurement after 4 days. Subtle but important changes have occurred. The most important of these is that the first day that data was gathered happened to be on a Friday night. Most sites would agree that the performance on a Friday night is far different than what you would find on a Monday morning. Monday morning shows this site showing a noticeable performance shift upward.

And what do you do when your performance looks like this?


Baselining is the ability to predict the performance of your site under normal circumstances on an ongoing basis. This is based on the knowledge that comes from understanding how the site has performed in the past, as well as how it has behaved under situations of abnormal behavior. Until you can predict how your site should behave, you can begin to understand why it behaves the way it does.

Focusing on the three key transaction paths or business processes listed above helps you and your team wrap your head around what the site is doing right now. Once a baseline for the site’s performance exists, then you can begin to benchmark the performance of your site by comparing it to others doing the same business process.

Web Performance, Part IV: Finding The Frequency

In the last article, I discussed the aggregated statistics used most frequently to describe a population of performance data.
The pros and cons of each of these aggregated values has been examined, but now we come to the largest single flaw: these values attempt to assign a single value to describe an entire population of numbers.

The only way to describe a population of numbers is to do one of two things: Display every single datapoint in the population against the time it occurred, producing a scatter plot; or display the population as a statistical distribution.

The most common type of statistical distribution used in Web performance data is the Frequency Distribution. This type of display breaks the population down into measurements of a certain value range, then graphs the results by comparing the number of results in each value container.

So, taking the same population data used in the aggregated data above, the frequency distribution looks like this.
This gives a deeper insight into the whole population, by displaying the whole range of measurements, including the heavy tail that occurs in many Web performance result sets. Please note that a statistical heavy tail is essentially the same as Chris Anderson’s long tail, but in statistical analysis, a heavy tail represents a non-normally distributed data set, and skews the aggregated values you try and produce from the population.

As was noted in the aggregated values, the ‘average’ performance like falls between 0.88 and 1.04 seconds. Now, when you take these values and compare them to the frequency distribution, these values make sense, as the largest concentration of measurement values falls into this range.

However, the 85th Percentile for this population is at 1.20 seconds, where there is a large secondary bulge in the frequency distribution. After that, there are measurements that trickle out into the 40-second range.

As can be seen, a single aggregated number cannot represent all of the characteristics in a population of measurements. They are good representations, but that’s all they are.

So, to wrap up this flurry of a visit through the world of statistical analysis and Web performance data, always remember the old adage: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.
In the next article, I will discuss the concept of performance baselining, and how this is the basis for Web performance evolution.

Web Performance, Part III: Moving Beyond Average

In the previous article in this series, I talked about the fallacy of ‘average’ performance. Now that this has been dismissed, what do I propose to replace it with. There are three aggregated values that can be used to better represent Web performance data:

The links take you to articles that better explain the math behind each of these statistics. The focus here is why you would choose to use them rather than Arithmetic Mean.

The Median is the central point in any population of data. It is equal to the calculated value of the 50th Percentile, and is the point where half of the population lies above and below. So, in a large population of data, it can provide a good estimation of where center or average performance value is, regardless of the outliers at either end of the scale.

Geometric Mean is, well, a nasty calculation that I prefer to allow programmatic functions to handle for me. The advantage that it has over the Arithmetic Mean is that is influenced less by the outliers, producing a value that is always lower than or equal to the Arithmetic Mean. In the case of Web performance data, with populations of any size, the Geometric Mean is always lower than the Arithmetic Mean.

The 85th Percentile is the level below which 85% of the population of data lies. Now, some people use the 90th or the 95th, but I tend to cut Web sites more slack by granting them a pass on 15% of the measurement population.
So, what do these values look like?


These aggregated performance values are extracted from the same data population. Immediately, some things become clear. The Arithmetic Mean is higher than the Median and the Geometric Mean, by more than 0.1 seconds. The 85th Percentile is 1.19 seconds and indicates that 85% of all measurements in this data set are below this value.

Things that are bad to see:

  • An Arithmetic Mean that is substantially higher than the Geometric Mean and the Median
  • An 85th Percentile that is more than double the Geometric Mean

In these two cases, it indicates that there is a high number of large values in the measurement population, and that the site is exhibiting consistency issues, a topic for a later article in this series.

In all, these three metric provide a good quick hit, a representative single number that you can present in a meeting to say how the site is performing. But they all suffer from the same flaw — you cannot represent the entire population with an entire number.

The next article will discuss Frequency Distributions, and their value in the Web performance analysis field.

Web Performance, Part II: What are you calling average?

For a decade, the holy grail of Web performance has been a low average performance time. Every company wants to have the lowest time, in some kind of chest-thumping, testosterone-pumped battle for supremacy.

Well, I am here to tell you that the numbers you have been using for the last decade have been lying. Well, lying is perhaps to strong a term. Deeply misleading is perhaps the more accurate way to describe the way that an average describes a population of results.
Now before you call your Web performance monitoring and measurement firms and tear a strip off them, let’s look at the facts. The numbers that everyone has been holding up as the gospel truth have been averages, or, more correctly, Arithmetic Means. We all learned these in elementary school: the sum of X values divided by X produces a value that approximates the average value for the entire population of X values.

Where could this go wrong in Web performance?

We wandered off course in a couple of fundamental ways. The first is based on the basic assumption of Arithmetic Mean calculations, that the population of data used is more or less Normally Distributed.

Well folks, Web performance data is not normally distributed. Some people are more stringent than I am, but my running assumption is that in a population of measurements, up to 15% are noise resulting from “stuff happens on the Internet”. This outer edge of noise, or outliers, can have a profound skewing effect on the Arithmetic Mean for that population.

“So what?”, most of you are saying. Here’s the kicker: As a result of this skew, the Arithmetic Mean usually produces a Web performance number that is higher than the real average of performance.

So why do we use it? Simple: Relational databases are really good at producing Arithmetic Means, and lousy at producing other statistical values. Short of writing your own complex function, which on most database systems equates to higher compute times, the only way to produce more accurate statistical measures is to extract the entire population of results and produce the result in external software.
If you are building an enterprise class Web performance measurement reporting interface, and you want to calculate other statistical measures, you better have deep pockets and a lot of spare computing cycles, because these multi-million row calculations will drain resources very quickly.

So, for most people, the Arithmetic Mean is the be all and end all of Web performance metrics. In the next part of this series, I will discuss how you can break free of this madness and produce values that are truer representations of average performance.

Web Performance, Part I: Fundamentals

If you ask 15 different people what the phrase Web performance means to them, you will get 30 different answers. Like all things in this technological age, the definition is in the eye of the beholder. To the Marketing person, it is delivering content to the correct audience in a manner that converts visitors into customers. To the business leader, it is the ability of a Web site to deliver on a certain revenue goal, while managing costs and creating shareholder/investor value.

For IT audiences, the mere mention of the phrase will spark a debate that would frighten the UN Security Council. Is it the Network? The Web server? The designers? The application? What is making the Web site slow?

So, what is Web performance? It is everything mentioned above, and more. Working in this industry for nine years, I have heard all facets of the debate. And all of the above positions will appear in every organization with a Web site to varying degrees.

In this ongoing series, I will examine various facets of Web performance, from the statistical measures used to truly analyze Web performance data, to the concepts that drive the evolution of a company from “Hey, we really need to know how fast our Web page loads” to “We need to accurately correlate the performance of our site to traffic volumes and revenue generation”.

Defining Web performance is much harder than it seems. It’s simplest metrics are tied into the basic concepts of speed and success rate (availability). These concepts have been around a very long time, and are understood all the way up to the highest levels of any organization.

However, this very simple state is one that very few companies manage to evolve away from. It is the lowest common denominator in Web performance, and only provides a mere scraping of the data that is available within every company.
As a company evolves and matures in its view toward Web performance, the focus shifts away from the basic data, and begins to focus on the more abstract concepts of reliability and consistency. These force organizations to step away from the aggregated and simplistic approach of speed and availability, to a place where the user experience component of performance is factored into the equation.

After tackling consistency and reliability, the final step is toward performance optimization. This is a holistic approach to Web performance, a place where speed and availability data are only one component of an integrated whole. Companies at this strata are usually generating their own performance dashboards with combinations of data sources that correlate disparate data sources in a way that provides a clear and concise view not only of the performance of their Web site, but also of the health of their entire online business.

During this series, I will refer to data and information very frequently. In today’s world, even after nearly a decade of using Web performance tools and services, most firms only rely on data. All that matters is that the measurements arrive.
The smartest companies move to the next level and take that data and turn it into information, ideas that can shape the way that they design their Web site, service their customers, and view themselves against the entire population of Internet businesses.

This series will not be a technical HOWTO on making your site faster. I cover a lot of that ground in another of my Web sites.

What this series will do is lead you through the minefield of Web performance ideas, so that when you are asked what you think Web performance is, you can present the person asking the question with a clear, concise answer.
The next article in this series will focus on Web performance measures: why and when you use them, and how to present them to a non-technical audience.

GrabPERF: Search Index Weekly Results (Aug 29-Sep 4, 2005)

The weekly GrabPERF Search Index Results are in. Sorry for the delay.
Week of August 29, 2005 – September 4, 2005

TEST                     RESULT  SUCCESS  ATTEMPTS
--------------------  ---------  -------  --------
PubSub - Search       0.4132426    99.95      5561
Google - Search       0.5546451   100.00      5570
MSN - Search          0.7807107    99.87      5572
Yahoo - Search        0.7996602    99.98      5571
eBay - Search         0.9371296   100.00      5571
Feedster - Search     1.1738754    99.96      5569
Newsgator - Search    1.2168921    99.96      5569
BlogLines - Search    1.2857559    99.71      5571
BestBuy.com - Search  1.4136253    99.98      5572
Blogdigger - Search   1.8896126    99.74      5462
BENCHMARK RESULTS     1.9096960    99.79     75419
Amazon - Search       1.9795655    99.84      3123
Technorati - Search   2.7727073    99.60      5566
IceRocket - Search    5.0256308    99.43      5571
Blogpulse - Search    6.5206247    98.98      5571

These results are based on data gathered from three remote measurement locations in North America. Each location takes a measurement approximately once every five minutes.

The measurements are for the base HTML document only. No images or referenced files are included.

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