Dave Winer hits it on the head: What’s the point of doing something or going somewhere if your experience is going to be secondary to those who are considered “special”?
A conference experience should not be substantively better because of who you are. If you arrive late, the overflow room should be just as acceptable as the front row.
I live what would be considered a privileged life. If you look on the right-side of the page, you will see that I pine for a Powerbook. Instead, I keep gas in my tank, food on my table, and be the best father I can be.

I wish that my laptop bag looked like Joi Ito’s. I wish that I clocked as many air miles as Tom Peters. I wish I lived on the beach like Dave Winer. I wish my blog got as many hits as Robert Scoble.
But when my wishes are held back not because of who I am, but because of who someone else is, I get cranky.